News and updates
CEETRA launched!
๐ Central Europe for Excellence in Transportation Research Association ๐๐๐๐๐๐ launched ๐ค - by 20+ CEE transportation researchers at the Jagiellonian University. The ๐๐๐๐๐๐โs ambition is to create a network of like-minded CEE researchers with an excellent research track record ๐ค๐ง ๐ก
Keynote speech at TSTP
Today I gave a keynote speech at the TSTP Conference - I gave an overview of future equilibira with CAVs - slides
hEART2023 in Zurich
๐ซ On our way to hEART Conference at ETH. This year, our team will present in Zurich: ๐ฃ Farnoud Ghasemi will show how we extend #MaaSSim and simulate Dynamics of the Ride-Sourcing Market: A Coevolutionary Model of Competition between Two-Sided Mobility Platforms - session D6 on Thursday. ๐ฃ Michaล Bujak will show how we extend #ExMAS to be able to: Assessing expected ride-pooling performance with non-deterministic, heterogeneous travellersโ behaviour - session E2 on Wednesday. ๐ฃ Arkadiusz Drabicki wraps up his PhD to show his results on Willingness to wait with real-time crowding information in urban public transport โ before vs. after COVID-19 pandemic (with Oded Cats ) - session A2 on Wednesday.
ERC Academy
Happy to help the future ERC Grantees with a workshop Akademia ERC. Many excellent future candidates, fingers crossed, I hope I have helped
SUM Team
The SUM project team is almost complete on our side. Led by dr Olha Shulika, supported with (soon to be dr.) Daniel ล traub and with great contribution from two PhDs: Michal and Farnoud.
Kick off meeting SUM
Great to kick-off the Horizon Europe SUM project. Unfortunately not in person in Lille, but hopefully soon as well. The consortium and objectives look great!
Three papers at hEART2023
Wonderful news from hEART conference. Our group will have 3 papers presented in Zurich this year, good job!
Our paper in SNAM
New paper from the group. Michaล Bujak and me introduce, formalize, analyse and utilise Network Structures of Ride Pooling problems - available OpenAccess in SNAM Journal
COeXISTENCE inauguration
If you want to know more about my ERC Starting Grant funded by European Research Council this seminar is a great opportunity. I will introduce this challenging research problem and will invite you to join our newly forming team at GMUM - Group of Machine Learning Research Uniwersytet Jagielloลski w Krakowie. See more details here
Joint GMUM seminar with Jack Haddad
Great pleasure to host prof. Jack Haddad from Technion - Israel Institute of Technology at the seminar of GMUM group - very nice presentation and feedback.
I presented my ERC project to the Warsaw University at the Seminar organized by Pawel Gora at MIMUW, great feedback and pleasure - presentation