News and updates
Our papers accepted to hEART 2022
💣 4/4 our papers got accepted to this year hEART conference: Michal Bujak with topological properties of ride-pooling; Farnoud Ghasemi with drivers request acceptance simulation; Marko Maričić with stop-to-stop ride-pooling; and Arkadiusz Drabicki will fight bus-bunching with real-time information. Looking forward 🚀
Our paper published in Transportation
Our paper with Arek on how crowding information can reduce bus bunching - published in Transportation - with Arkadiusz Drabicki and Oded Cats.
Our Paper with Arjan in Transportmetrica:B
Our paper with Arjan on evolution of labour supply in two-sided systems published in Transportmetrica B - with Hans van Lint and Oded Cats.
Seminar at Faculty of Physics, Astronomy and Applied Computer Science
🎤🎤🎤 I gave a Mark Kac Seminar “Enigmas of Chance” on Urban Mobility - slides
TU seminar
Joint seminar with SmartPTLab@TU Delft - my former Critical MaaS team met my current team at Jagiellonian: Farnoud and Michal presented their hEART submissions and we explored joint collaboration links.
hEART2022 submissions
Two submissions from our team to hEART2022 conference. With Michał Bujak who explores topological properties of shareability networks and with Farnoud Ghasemi who simulates how drivers accept/reject travel requests in MaaSSim.
CityBike Paper published
Our CityBike paper was published in Current Issues in Tourism, new field and a highly reputable journal to share findings.
Our paper accepted to PLOS One
Our Uber-paper got accepted to PLOS One - great outlet for this relevant study.
Complex Networks in Madrid
I presented our virus spreading model from SciRep at the complex networks conference in Madrid.
Our paper accepted to EJOR
Our paper on game-theoretical ride-pooling and new formulations of Equilibria got accepted to European Journal of Operational Research (quite renowned in the OR field). With Oded Cats, Javier Alonso-Mora and Andres Fielbaum.
Farnoud joins the team
We grow - Farnoud will join as a PhD student to dig deeper into learning and adaptation in MaaSSim. Welcome! 👋👋👋
GMUM seminar on city bike trajectories predictions
On the weekly seminar of GMUM we kicked-off the project to predict trajectories with GNN and RL techniques. With Lukasz Brzozowski, Jacek Tabor, Przemek Spurek and Lukasz Kucinski we will try to predict city-bike trajectories in Krakow.