Rafal Kucharski Lab

We study how people travel. We want to understand their travel demands and behaviour better. We want to see how they use novel mobility services (like ride-pooling or mobility platforms) and how we can design them to better fit the needs of: users, suppliers and sustainable cities. We want to forecast the future of urban mobility with connected autonomous vehicles. We use big empirical datasets, real-world networks, old and new algorithms and models. We simulate, model, analyze, solve problems, propose algorithms to better understand how cities of the future will work. See our works here. The group is led by Rafał Kucharski, associate professor at Group of Machine Learning Research, Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science at Jagiellonian University in Kraków, Poland. Former PostDoc at TU Delft (prof. Oded Cats), PhD of prof. Guido Gentile (La Sapienza) and alumni of prof. Andrzej Szarata (Cracow University of Technology). In our research we do stuff which can be classified as:
- model estimation, optimization, system control, network design;
- agent-based simulation, game-theory, network science, stochastic simulation, epidemic modelling;
- machine learning, spatial analysis, big data analysis, pattern recognition, unsupervised learning;
- behavioural modelling, economic discrete choice models, policy, sustainability.
Currently there is ten of us, working in two different projects, at the modern campus of one of the oldest universities in Europe (est. 1364), Jagiellonian University in KrakĂłw, Poland. We have two major projects:
- ERC Starting Grant COeXISTENCE, where we simulate future of cities shared by humans and autonomous vehicles. We use reinforcement learning to optimize joint actions of collaborative machines (cars) and see how it affects the well studied complex social system of urban traffic - will it remain in the Nash Equilibrium? We do not think so, but that’s what we want to demonstrate - stay tuned,
Horizon Europe SUM project - where we apply our in-house ride-pooling algorithms to see the potential of on-demand transit in urban areas of Jerusalem and KrakĂłw
- and one already finished: NCN Opus - where we look at the future of ride-pooling and platform services in post-pandemic world.
Feel free to reach to us for a joint seminar, collaboration or vacancies.