Michał Bujak

I am a graduate of the applied mathematics at the Jagiellonian University. During my studies, I focused mostly on the probability theory (master’s thesis on the construction of the Wiener process), statistics and graph theory (bachelor’s thesis on the equivalence of Konig’s and Hall’s theorems). Currently, I am pursuing a PhD in the technical computer science at the same university.

My main field of expertise is the application of network science in the ride-pooling problem. My first contribution is the formalisation of network structures present in the algorithmic approach and the introduction of weighted structures. Later, I applied probabilistic tools to analyse the impact of behavioural heterogeneity of travellers on the system performance. Currently, I am working on the application of graph neural networks in the ride-pooling.

List of main publications and preprints

  1. Transportation
    Ride-pooling service assessment with heterogeneous travellers in non-deterministic setting
    Bujak, Michal, and Kucharski, Rafal
    Transportation 2024
  2. SNAM
    Network structures of urban ride-pooling problems and their properties
    Bujak, Michal, and Kucharski, Rafal
    Social Network Analysis and Mining 2023